Article by Brunk Edwards / Photo courtesy of the World Wide Web
A 25-year-old South Quincy man who called local newspapers after winning two free Fribble® shakes from Friendly’s was later revealed to have a history of fraud.
The man, Jaime “Haircut” McGoo, alerted the media yesterday after claiming he won a free Fribble® shake at the Friendly’s Ice Cream parlor in Wollaston by correctly naming the artist playing over the restaurant’s radio station.
According to McGoo, the group in question was C+C Music Factory.
Amazingly, McGoo then contacted the media again to declare that he had won a second Fribble® shake in the same contest by correctly guessing that only one employee of the establishment had understood the movie Mulholland Drive.
Holes in the story began to appear almost immediately after Friendly’s manager Richard Angry was reached by phone.
Angry repeatedly denied the existence of any such contests and claimed that a person matching McGoo’s description was escorted out of the restaurant with “extreme force” for stealing bananas from a freezer.
This is not the first time McGoo has been in the news.
In 2002, McGoo, who then went by the name Awesome Lemieux, was arrested after claiming to have found former President Ronald Reagan’s corpse buried in Wollaston Beach, using a pair of X-ray sunglasses.
In 2000, he was reprimanded for using an expired Thomas Crane Public Library card to fake his way into getting an elderly discount on an infamous Newcomb Farms “Early Bird” special.
McGoo also has multiple, longstanding lawsuits against the owners of the Norwood-based New England Comics for “psychological damages” after reading a stolen issue of “The Death of Superman.”
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